There is a broad range of industries which provide fruitful career opportunities to B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering graduates.
Like Automobile Industry, Space Research & Development Organizations, Aerospace Companies, Energy Sector, Infrastructure & Construction Companies, Indian Railways, Indian Navy, Army & Air Force, Public Works Department (PWD), Robotics, Information Technology, Healthcare Sector and many more.
Industries around the globe require good mechanical engineers for a wide range of work requirements.
From designing and manufacturing microchips and semiconductors to humongous industrial machineries like turbines, excavators and cranes, there is a plethora of work opportunities for mechanical engineers in various sectors.
B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering graduates are offered highly technical and innovative engineering job roles. They are paid really good at their career initiation. The pay scale and the job role grows consistently after gaining work experience.
A student who is curious about machines and loves to explore and innovate the operational mechanism of machines can expect a really bright career scope after pursuing B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering.